Chatrishe's Blog

A fine site

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow?

***Disclaimer:- I am not turning this into a Hair Blog***

…But, I wanted to stress just how much I miss my hair.  I have been reading lots of hair blogs recently and I have felt a bit….inspired, to get back to the length that I had previously.  My hair looked amazing for the first time in a long time, it was healthy and long.  Then, like the typical Chatrishe, I was bored…I needed change, so I decided to go for a nice colour.  In the beginning, it looked beautiful but then I started losing my hair…it was all over the bathroom floor and wouldn’t stop falling.

Here are the before shots, the fourth pic at the bottom right is the first shot of the colour.



Now, I am struggling to get to this length again…I have been washing my hair more often and treating it and trying to use less heat.  this is where I am right now…



I still have a long way to go but I am motivated!!!  Gotta get back to the where I was before!!!

Wish me luck!

EOS products

I guess you can say that I felt a bit left out…All my friends in the US had one of those “bally lip-glosses” as I previously referred to them.

Because I’m living in the Philippines, I guess you can say I’m a little out of touch…so I bought the lip gloss on ebay and shipped it to myself.  Never-mind the fact that I paid more for it than I should’ve but finally it arrived!!!

I wanted to get a flavor that I knew I’d like so I ordered the Strawberry Sorbet and it is absolutely divine!!!!



I love it and my lips have never felt better.  Some of the reviews say that it tastes funny but I don’t think so at all.  I’m very pleased with my purchase and my lips are super happy!  Go out and get yours NOW!!!

The Storyteller

I LOVE books! Since I downloaded the kindle app on my iPad, I’ve been staying up late at night, every night to read. It got crazier after I started reading from iBooks; the page turning feature is amazing!

Recently, I came across a book in Amazon that was on the New York Times Bestsellers list, the author, Jodi Picoult. Although I had never read any of her work, I knew a little about her and started reading the description of the book “The Storyteller”.

The book is about the Holocaust and as it is a very tough subject to read about, I proceeded to the book reviews. I read every single review before I decided to get the book. The reviews were all mostly good so I said ok…lets give it a shot.

In short, this book was one of the BEST books I have read in a very long time. At times, I wondered if this story was really fiction – this just goes to show how well Picoult did her research.

The book revolves around the life of a young lady, Sage Singer, who later befriends an elderly man. The old man, Josef Weber, is well loved in the community but he has a terrible secret and he has chosen to tell Sage and also ask her for a huge favor. You see, Josef Weber is a retired Nazi SS guard and no one knows, and Sage Singer is Jewish, so Weber decides that Sage is the best person to forgive him for his sins.

The story is told from different point of views and it wraps you in a blanket and doesn’t let you out until the very last word.

If you want to read a great story, that although is fiction, makes you feel like you are back in world war 2, with a great style of giving a history lesson, then you must read this book.
You may cry, you will laugh and the journey this book takes you on will be with you for a very long time…Kudos to Picoult!


Where did the last 4 months go???

Are we really 4 months into the year 2013 already???!!!  OK, so I have been MIA for a while and boy have I missed blogging!!!

I’ve been totally engrossed in work and have not had an ounce of time to myself.  I could use a vacation and not one of those adventure vacations, what I need is an “I’m not doing shit” vacation.  It probably isn’t possible though with 2 extremely hyper boys running about.

The good news is that I’m back and will be blogging like my old self again so stay tuned 🙂


Happy Birthday Hubby

Yesterday was my hubby’s birthday, we decided to keep it simple and not make a big fuss this year.  We were invited to a friend’s house for some food, cake and wine and it turned out to be a great day!  We took this great pic at the end of the day and it was too cute not to post:)

So Happy Birthday Hubby, We Love You!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Fave Author

Who doesn’t love a good book?  What Genre do you think is best for you?  What do you enjoying reading about?

John Saul has been a New York Times bestselling author since 1977.  He has written 37 thrillers.  His books cover the genres of psychological, occult, scientific and paranormal thrillers.  I love suspense, thrillers and horror!  I love to read about the supernatural and John Saul is a master at this type of stuff. 



I just finished reading “Comes the Blind Fury”.  This book is about a young girl who lived centuries ago.  She was blind and was teased by the other children until he lost her footing and fell off a cliff.  She took her rage with her to her death and promised not to let the children get away with it.  He spirit haunted the town for centuries after until she found another little girl, just like her, who was teased and thus she began to work through her.


Not everyone can read this type of stuff but Saul really has a way with words.  He keeps you entertained and at the edge of your seat in almost every book I have read from him.  If you haven’t read any Saul yet, then go out and buy one of his chilling books or download one on your kindle- you will not be disappointed!

Crazy Rain in Manila

I’m not sure how many of you have seen what’s been going on in the Philippines on the news. We have been having some crazy monsoon rain for about 5 days. At first I thought that it was a really crazy storm but the news forecaster commented on evening on the news that what we had been experiencing is just rain!

The Philippines is known to flood very easily and what we experienced in the past few days was crazy flooding and landslides in some areas.

Here are a few photos to help you understand the magnitude of this disaster.







Please keep the people of the Philippines in your thoughts and prayers during this very difficult time and remember, always be thankful even for the little things!!

Blog overhaul


Today, I sat and viewed my blog page and thought…sigh….how dull.  I skimmed through some of the themes available but just can’t find one that fits me.  I keep playing with each and have narrowed down the pickings to about 5 different themes.  For my sake and yours I hope I can make up my mind and choose something that will stick, besides who wants to read a blog that changes every week?!

Update coming soon….

Shepherd’s Sunday

Sundays are my days at home just spending time with my family.  Today I decided to bake a Shepherd’s Pie.  In Antigua, a Shepherd’s Pie is not usually a Sunday dish but I am a million miles away so I can make it whenever I want 🙂

For those of you who don’t know, a Shepherd’s Pie is an English dish first developed in the mid 19th century.  Antigua was a part of the British Colonies before they become independent over 50 years ago.  Some of the British pastimes, phrases and delicacies still live on.

Now back to my Pie…here is a before shot:-


The traditional Shepherd’s Pie does not include Bacon on the top but I had to tweak it a bit :).

Here’s the after shot:-


The Ingredients included, potatoes, ground beef and mixed vegetables.  The Bacon on the top added a a nice smokey taste to the pie.

This pie had my whole family wishing it could be Shepherd’s Sunday every day of the week!!!

Fun Facts

I just recently watched one of my all time fave movies “10 Things I Hate About You” and that inspired this post “10 Things You May Not Know About Me”.

1.  I don’t eat any Veggies…I will eat carrots if they are cooked…oh and umm corn 🙂

2.  I love, love, love music, all genres!

3.  I am very techy- I love Technology!

4.  Shopping is my middle name.

5.  I’d quit my day job to become an actress 😉

6.  I used to bite my nails badly and just seemed to grow out of it but now it irks me that my son bites his nails!!!!

7.  I hate routine!!!  That’s probably why I forget to take my vitamins everyday, either that or I’m very forgetful 😀

8.  I am a little addicted to Facebook (don’t judge me)

9.  I’ve always wanted to write a book and think I actually will one day.

10.  I love reading, mostly thrillers and mystery.  My favorite author is John Saul.

There you have it guys, the short list!